Volunteer Resources
YouTube/TED Talk links:
More to dying than meets the eye
Frontline documentary, Being Mortal with Atul Gawande (1 hr)
You Tube Video: Empathy( 4mins)
YouTube Video: A story about Care (15 mins)
You Tube Video: Nancy Bern: The Space Between Joy and Grief (13 mins)
You Tube Video: The Grieving Process: Coping with Death (4 mins)
Ted Talk: Brene Brown: Vulnerability (20 mins)
TED Talk: Dr. Naheed Dosani :Homeless and palliation( 16 mins)
TED Talk: Kathy Hull: Stories from a home for terminally ill children( 15 mins)
TED Talk: Kelly Third : Healthy Dying ( 12:33 mins)
Dr. Kevin Brazil, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Palliative Care at McMaster University, discusses the moral distress that can occur when health care providers feel they cannot provide the level of care they want to provide their patients. (4 mins)
Websites and Links:
MOST stands for: Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment.
In an emergency or urgent situation, if you are unable to express your wishes, a MOST will help ensure your health care treatment aligns with your wishes
Canadian Virtual Hospice: Online resources(excellent information); Quality palliative care helps you honour your culture, spirituality and traditions. At LivingMyCulture.ca, people from various cultures share their stories and wisdom about living with serious illness, end of life and grief to support others
Advanced Care Planning: My Voice
Life and Death Matters
Lovely thoughts on grieving from an older gentleman.
This is a hilarious Video. Click below to open link: Coffin Club
How to Help a Grieving fiend: Refuge in Grief: refugeingrief.com/helper-overview/
Great interview with the founder of Zen Hospice Project - Frank Ostaseski - "a Buddhist teacher, international lecturer and a leading voice in end-of-life care". Well worth the one hour listening:
People to Follow:
Kelly Third: Having volunteered in hospice care, crisis management and medical advocacy, both locally and abroad, Kelly Third has built her career upon a foundation of exploring the human experience. Kelly has a profound interest in the various cultural and social impacts on how people die – identifying barriers to healthy dying and well supported natural death. Kelly is currently working as a Palliative Nurse at St. Paul’s Hospital and finishing her Masters in Public Health. Having recently completed an international internship with the Kenyan Hospice and Palliative Care Association, Kelly is keen to continue her research on this emerging public health issue.
Dr. Kevin Brazil: Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Palliative Care at McMaster University, discusses the moral distress that can occur when health care providers feel they cannot provide the level of care they want to provide their patients.
Dr. Alan Wolfelt: Has been recognized as one of North America’s leading death educators, authors and grief counsellors. His compassionate messages about healing in grief—based on his own personal losses as well has his professional experience supporting children, teens, adults, and families over the last three decades—speak not only to the intellect but to the hearts of all who hear him. Perhaps best known for his model of “companioning” versus “treating” mourners, Dr. Wolfelt is committed to helping people mourn well so they can live well and love well.
Websites for MAiD:
(general information on the website)
“Wit” (2001) Emma Thompson: a professor reassess life when she finds out she has terminal ovarian cancer
“The Bucket List” (2007) Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman: Two terminally ill men that meet as patients in a hospital
Extremis (2016) Netflix a documentary on realities of end of life care
“The Leisure Seeker”( 2018) Helen Mirran and Donald Sutherland. Netflix. It’s s about a end of life journey of a husband and wife
End game(2018) Netflix Rob Epstein and Jeffery Friedman documentary highlight the compassionate work done by those who help terminally ill patients cope with dying
Us and Them (2018) While filmed around downtown Victoria BC, US & THEM, produced by Krista Loughton and Jennifer Abbott (The Corporation) could take place in any Canadian
US & THEM: Eye-Opening Documentary on Homelessness https://www.homelesshub.ca/resource/us-them-eye-opening-documentary-homelessness
Bearing the unbearable (2017)
Author: Joanne Cacciatore
The Power of Kindness: The unexpected benefits of leading a compassionate life (2006)
Author: Piero Ferrucci
The Lonely Patient
Author: Michael Stein, MD.
It's good for developing the "positive quality" of Empathy in regards of the experience of illness.( In the hospice library
Permission to Mourn
Author: Tom Zuba
Mourning has Broken
Author: Erin Davis
Poems and Songs:
Poem: Keeping Busy
Author: Tom Zuba
Song: Making Friends with Gone (wrote by Shari Ulrich after the death of her mother’s Death) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubSyPH-K6Ag
Quote: 'Like many others, I had mistakenly believed that "The Five Stages of Grief" in the Kubler-Ross Model were meant for people grieving the loss of a loved one. I was wrong. The model was a reflection of what Kubler-Ross saw in people who were dying.
As new grief models have come out, it seems that this whole idea of reaching the last stage, or of closure, is a myth altogether, because our grief lives as long as our love' - Click to Read
Ministry of Health- Spiritual Health: A Framework for BC Spiritual Health Professionals
The episode linked to is about mothers losing children to crime. An interesting perspective we don't hear from quite as much as other perspectives on loss.